the winter vacation, the spring festival, not what can be more symbolic than firecrackers, during the lunar new year holiday, the first idea is to set off firecrackers on the street, see the brightly coloured fireworks is a heart itch.
we are back to uncle home a day this year, brother and sister-in-law are "generous", bought a lot of firecrackers in the corner, we saw the child, did not forget to peruse, touch on a few, while this is good, while the good, and some day there were many discussions. from the new year, when their distribution of firecrackers the list of bills.
we can endure the temptation, don't shout, we tried to make it can scarcely wait in front of adults, so they take us back to an exciting, can these people, like we play like teasing, blind, but no one would dare to put forward, it will inevitably. first, so we picked the iron heart, those gadgets, is not easy to detect the box gun hidden in the bag and ran away to steal, we all cherish it! who have 10 pieces of cannon cleaning hidden in the hidden bag, each other do not stop said: "first put you the more you." "i have no, i do not believe you." "talk and count it out to me." "that's no good." "let's put you." "mora who lost who" each gun had inevitably twitter controversy, for trouble, also had their own respective, to put aside. from the bag carefully pulled out a root to the ground, then look for a long time, for fear of accidentally brought out off the ground, confirm no later, then took out the eraser box, a wipe, wipe away a head poked out the flame, a walk away, people far away, and then cover your ears, all eyes. the top of a smoking gun, only to be snapped, jumping is happy, after a while, the fried greasy, they all want to see water gun in the water, not easy to find a small puddle, "this is what i find, you don't" grab "is not for you, i then inevitably some unreasonable, then, i do not know who shouted," ignition." they are back to the speaker lit and thrown, simply even ears are not covered, pa, the water splashed up here, he screamed again, this can be in the water like shooting on land that is easy, it is necessary to experience. i have seen carefully the experienced cannon. i saw that he did not throw it directly after burning it, but he would burn it for half a second and throw it into the water again, so he would throw it repeatedly, or it would be extinguished in the water, which would be a great waste of firecrackers, which is not what we would like to do.
this game a few days later, went to the first day of the new year, at that time, the novelty will be played out, we were more interested. at that time, thousands of households are out shooting, that battle, like battlefield two, we look for the shuttle in the middle there is no fried surplus, it is very lucky to get it, but we still don't give up the 0. 001%'s hope.
until the second day of the new year, firecrackers suddenly stopped, so neat, so coincidentally, occasionally one or two sound system sound, and more people feel quiet, empty, so soon after the lunar new year's day, yes, really over, that moment, our work is only to wait, wait for the next a long spring festival.
传说我邦的先人曾蒙到一种叫“夕”的猛兽的要挟。它不仅侵扰村民,还把祭神的贡品誉了。于是村官们请下了灶神老爷,请他上地庭告御状。 灶神老爷上天庭了当前,遇到了一个鸣“年”的神。“年”用火烧竹子的方式吓跑了“旦”。因而,己们为了留念“年”就把每年的这个时候称替“过年”,把前一晚叫干“大年节”。而且每到功年的时候,还焚抬“爆竹”,用以趋邪躲祸,以保岁岁安全。
除夕夜吃团圆饭时,爷爷带领全家习惯性地总结着牛年的喜事,我们谈到了国庆节。是呀, 20xx 牛年中,我们成功庆贺了伟大祖国母亲的**周年生日,整个世界飘扬着 鲜艳的五星红旗,整个宇宙飘动着那嘹亮的进行曲 —— 我感觉真的很自豪很骄傲!全家人都说,今年的应该多放一些大鞭炮,用最响亮的鞭炮声来庆贺牛年的快乐、欢送牛年并迎接虎虎生威的“虎年”。吃完团圆饭,大家一起帮助奶奶收拾完碗筷,就来到院子外。爸爸和二叔燃放了许多鞭炮和烟花,整个世界“噼噼啪啪”连续不断地响着如雷般的`鞭炮声,天空中接连绽放着绚丽的烟花,我和妹妹兴奋地直拍手叫好,真美啊!
20xx 年虎年更是喜气洋洋,在温哥华冬奥会上,我国选手已经在女子短道速滑和双人花样滑冰上获得三块金牌,真令人开心啊!