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as technology become more and more advance basically the use of internet become more and more popular for modern generation. there are many advantages and disadvantages of the access to internet. some of the advantages are; people can now shop online 24 hours a day 7 days a week, able to access the latest updates, able to chat with friends and family online without the need of a phone, you could share your photos with your friends online, best of all internet is globally wide. even though the intent brings a lot of advantage to our daily life style there are also disadvantages from the use of internet, there are hackers which may get access to your personal information e.g. credit details, virus that would damage your computer.

even though internet has disadvantages but it hasn’t affect people from using the internet because there are many special programs that protect us from hackers and virus.


the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping

with the development of technology, more and more people prefer to buy what they want online. the reason why they like shopping online is that they have more choices online. the most important thing is that we don't need to go outside.in addition if you are not at home, you can send it to the station which will take care of your thing for a while. it is very convenient for us who don't want to go outside. meanwhile, the price online is lower than the shop.

there are so many advantages of online shopping. however, many people are likely to buy the thing is different to what they want. the reason is that we only see the pictures online. it takes people too much time to shop online. people will be seized with a sudden impulse to buy what they don't need online.

although online shopping is very convenient for us, we should make a list before we want to shop online. it will prevent us from buying something we don't need.



(一) 网络的出现让大家可以不用在大热天出门,躺在床上,手指点点,东西就买好了,虽然很方便,但是,长期的不动会引起肥胖,心脑,血糖血脂,血压异常,但是网银可以使出门购物不用带现金,不用担心现金被偷了!

(二) 现在很多人的手机与家里的电脑相连,人还在外面呢,在手机上按个键,家里水放好了,菜拿出来了,十分方便,它是以计算机网络为桥梁,综合配置建筑物内的各种功能子系统,全面实现对通信系统,办公自动化系统,建筑物内各种设备空调系统、供热供水系统,变配电系统、照明系统、电梯、消防系统、公共安全系统,出入管理系统)的综合管理。

(三) 网络出现后,很多学校开启了网络教学,学校利用计算机网络为主要手段教学,是远程教学的一种重要方式,它打破了传统的教学方式,这也是一种进步

(四) 上面两点都是人类得进步,在科技发达的今天,人工智能横空出世,就那不久前的alpha go(阿尔法围棋)它以5:0完胜欧洲围棋冠军、职业二段选手樊麾,20xx年5月23日-27日柯洁与alpha go在“中国乌镇·围棋峰会”展开对弈。最终连胜59局。可见今天世界的水平。




one of the controversial issues today is online shopping. according to a recent survey,a large number of consumers are in favor of online shopping as it has become a trend. in this essay, i will discuss the positive and negative effects of this issue and offer my own view on it.

on the positive aspect, one of the most significant advantages is that online shopping brings customers so much convenience that it is widely recognized as much more time-saving than traditional shopping. moreover, online customers have access to commodities of such a huge variety and number. perhaps the primary advantage is that they have the opportunities to compare prices of a product offered by different retailers. on the negative aspect, there is a good chance of buying a defective product, as they cannot examine the quality when shopping online. whats more, there exist some dishonest and incredible online retailers who may do further damages to buyers interests.

as far as im concerned, the benefits of online shopping greatly outweigh its drawbacks. people should make better use of shopping and bypass its negative effects. people can never be too careful when shopping online.


on saturday morning, i just get up, father commanded, online for him to buy a haier washing machine computer board.

too good i think, i can also shopping on the internet, i turned on the computer first, connect to the internet, watching dad with, i'll open the "ali wangwang," and then search the haier computer board models. a: wow! a lot of computer version! see me dazzling, i one by one with the old computer version to check, i carefully looked at each socket on a computer and whether or not the top of the old, in the end i found 8 pc board, i look at the price you nine more than a dozen, some one hundred, some eight dozen, i chose a nine more than a dozen to dad, dad said: "just take this one, i call father with somebody else to talk about the price, i order something like the rain, after opening and qq chat as above, dad on fast typing, the other is talking about the price. dad said:" eighty yuan ok selling does not get the man said, dad said to you again, at least how many yuan? said the man, 88, 88 yuan said dad, later will buy you things well, the man put the price change to 85, i click the buy now and then call father enter alipay password soon showed successful purchase above can the father asked the man what time the arrival of the goods, the other said: "on sunday afternoon to shentong express delivery, i will come in the afternoon delivery.

i almost can't wait at home, finally arrived a bit more on sunday afternoon, shentong express telephoned to say that the goods arrived, my father and i drove to across the campus shentong express delivery, the man asked my father's name, it is found, and then turned over dad signed my name, you can take away the i opened the package inside computer board intact, returned home on my computer, according to confirm the delivery of the transaction is successful, i will evaluate each other's attitude, i also know how to shopping on the internet, listen to father say something online is cheaper.


我一想,太好了我也可以在网上购物了,我先打开电脑,连接网络,爸爸在一旁看着,我先 打开“阿里旺旺”然后搜了一下海尔电脑板的型号。哇!好多电脑版呀!看得我眼花缭乱,我一个一个的跟旧电脑版核对,我仔细地看着电脑上的每一个插孔和旧的'上面是否一样,最后我找到了8块一样的电脑板,我再看一下价格有得九十几,有的一百几,有的八十几,我选了一块九十几的给爸爸看,爸爸说:“就拍这一款,我叫爸爸跟人家谈一下价格,我点了一下像雨点一样的东西,打开后和qq上面聊天一样的,爸爸在上面飞快的打着字 ,对方也在谈着价格。爸爸说:“八十元行不行那人说卖不了得,爸爸又问你说,最少多少元?那人说88,爸爸说85元,以后还会买你的东西的好吧,那人把价格改成85,我点击立即购买然后叫爸爸输入密码不一会上面就显示成功购买就可以了爸爸问那人什么时候到货,对方说:“星期天下午能到申通速递,我下午就来发货。




我认识它是在三年级左右,妈妈给我报了一堂外语体验课,正当我要出门去上课的时候,妈妈叫住了我,让我去房间。我一脸懵懂,明明就要上课了,为什么还不让我出门呢?正纳闷着,妈妈打开了电脑,输入了网址,不到半分钟电脑屏幕上就出现了一个外语老师的头像,对着我笑了笑,听到一声清脆的地道的“hello!my name is ......”我惊讶得嘴巴里都可以装得下个大鹅蛋,电脑也可以上课?经过妈妈的一番解释,我总算是了解电脑怎么跟老师沟通了。这就是我第一次接触这个即虚拟又实在的网络的经历了。




今年过年刚吃完年夜饭,几乎家人都不约而同的拿起了手机,有发朋友圈的,有用微信聊天的,有玩游戏的…… 全是“低头一族”啊!我去找爸爸下棋,在玩“王者荣耀”,我找妈妈聊天,在玩“王者荣耀”,我找弟弟做游戏,在玩“王者荣耀”…… 我就像个皮球似的被踢来踢去,这真是“亡者农药”呀!


















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