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发生在20世纪三四十年代的中国人民抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争,是世界爱好和平与正义的国家和人民同人类文明的凶残敌人法西斯进行的一场殊死搏斗,中国人民抗日战争是世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分,是世界反法西斯战争的东方主战场;69年前那场决定世界命运前途的伟大胜利,是中华民族自立于世界民族之林、走向伟大复兴的重要转折点。正是在抗日战争胜利的基础上,中国共产党领导中国人民取得了新民主主义革命的胜利,建立了中华人民共和国,实现了中国历史上最伟大、最深刻 的社会变革。


中国人民抗日战争的胜利,充分证明了中国共产党是救亡图存、实现民族解放的核心力量。1931年的"九一八事变"和1937年的"七七事变",把中华民族推到了亡国灭种的边缘。在民族存亡的生死关头,中国共产党吹响了抗击外敌的第一声号角。在那场威武雄壮的战争中,中国共产党以自己的坚定意志和模范行动,在全民族抗战中发挥了中流砥柱的作用。 中国人民之所以创造了弱国战胜强国的伟大奇迹,最根本的原因,是中国共产党代表全中国人民的意志,领导和推动了伟大的抗日战争,以自己最富于牺牲精神的爱国主义、不怕流血牺牲的模范行动,支撑起全民族救亡图存的希望,成为夺取抗战胜利的民族先锋。




列宁曾说过这样一句话: 忘记过去就等于背叛。

我们每一个炎黄子孙都应该清楚的记得一百多年前的甲午战争使中华民族蒙受了空前的奇耻大辱,使中华民族在半殖民地半封建社会的深渊里越陷越深;三十多年后, 九一八事变 打破了沈阳城的宁静; 七七事变 的战火硝烟弥漫在卢沟桥畔。曾经创造了五千年灿烂文明的东方大国失去了原有的尊严,整个中华民族处于亡国灭种的危急关头,每一个有良知的中国人都会从心底发出一声怒吼:起来!用我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城!

中国共产党挺身而出!它义无反顾地扛起了抗日民族战争大旗,指出了 平津危急!华北危急!中华民族危急!只有实行全民族抗战才是我们的出路!

热血青年站出来了!他们激愤地奔走在大江南北: 以华北之大,却放不下一张平静的书桌了! 他们高呼慷慨激昂的抗日口号,以共纾国难的大无畏气概,站到了时代的前列,使全民族抗日救亡的风暴,迅速席卷了中华大地!

爱国官兵站出来了!他们高呼 停止内战,一致抗日 。从马占山到冯玉祥,从张学良到杨虎城,从东北义勇军的抗日烽火,到西安事变爆发,最终促成了抗日民族统一战线!

全民族抗战开始了!从平型关大捷到台儿庄战役;从东北抗日联军到长城喜峰口愤怒的大刀,让无数日本侵略者得到了应有的下场!正是由于中华民族的团结一心,正是由于中华民族有数不清的杨靖宇、左权、张自忠 中国人民才最终迎来了抗日战争的胜利,洗刷了近代以来的民族耻辱!这场战争已经过去整整60年了,但是,我们怎能忘记南京大屠杀中被毫无人性的侵略者残杀的30多万同胞!怎能忘记在整个抗日战争期间中国付出的3100万鲜活的生命!怎能忘记日军在侵华的半个多世纪里给中华民族带来的深重灾难和精神创伤!

今天,我们虽然生长在和平年代,但我们要牢记历史,牢记五星红旗是先烈们用鲜血染红的,牢记 落后就要挨打 的生存法则。不仅如此,我们还应承担起历史责任,从自身做起,从小事做起,从规范自身的言行做起,将这份爱国情感落实到行动中。最后,我愿与朋友们共勉一句催人奋进的话: 天行健,君子以自强不息。


yi ancestors do unremitting self-improvement, self capital! seventy years ago, had strains tenacious grass, break through the battlefield on a piece of coke ash; years of rain, years of wind, years of green olive wind and vertical. had the lone eagle, looking for free in the sky fly; years of soaring, seventy years of tears, years of flourishing dreams, night after night, regression. had a great people, giant lion sleep to wake the hands; years of jing road, years of glory, the seventy years of the souls of condensed immortal monument. five thousand years of great china, 3000 dust, one billion three hundred million fellow chinese people sixty years, guoqiuguhen zhuanghuai exciting...... how many deep culture, there are many deep suffering, how many deep suffering, how many unyielding cry, who reminded me the glorious dream, halberd shouts, who would dare to make the chinese? face the mountain, you will be feeling it magnificent; looking at the sea, you will marvel at its surging; looking up to a pine, you will praise the big vigorous; overlooking the grass, you praise its perseverance. yes, that is because they are full of the chinese nation for thousands of years of indomitable will, it is because they are the chinese nation's cohesion of the chinese nation for thousands of years unyielding essence. for thousands of years, the chinese nation reason suffered hardships do not decline, after suffering and unyielding, tempered and more tenacious, rely on is the majestic righteousness, clank iron character of the soul stirring, rely on is the indomitable and unyielding national spirit. the crystallization of the wisdom of the nation, with simple and powerful, solemn and sacred, condensed into a healthy blood root, flashing above the original pale of ages. today, let's look back together, and go back to the hard times. "birth,

, death is also a male ghost." one thousand years ago, li qingzhao sigh. "all men are mortal., according to retain loyalty." more than xx0 years ago, wen tianxiang byung hwan through the ages; "infinite tears, who said heaven and earth wide." more than 300 years ago, xia wanchun magnificent. "a cavity blood treasure qin, sprinkling can still go pictorial." one hundred years ago, qiu jin and clouds, "victory! we win!" seventy years ago, forty thousand people china putian wayzgoose fight a bloody battle for seventy years, we are far from the fire, but never put out the anger against the dark; we say goodbye to the war, but has been continued and the battle of ignorance. numerous silent struggle, our ancestors with life in exchange for peace in, our fathers with hard earned ankang, we and all over the world hobby freedom and peace of the people together, to defend this profusion beautiful land without pretense, from nature, i'm chinese, i love my motherland.


“红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。”每次听到这首豪迈激昂的《七律·长征》时,我的眼前都会浮现出这样的一组场景:泸定桥边、大渡河畔珍藏了他们英勇无畏的身影;雪山草地、高山峻岭留下了他们坚毅执着的脚步;四出奇兵,赤水河记录着他们胜利后的笑容;三军会师,会宁载歌载舞恭贺他们创造人间神话。 80年前,先辈用他们的热血和生命谱写了“惊天地,泣鬼神”的长征之歌。80年后,作为新世纪的主人,我们又会做出怎样的回答呢?









not long ago, we visited the lugou bridge in the war of resistance against japan. the museum displays the hard, tragic history makes us worried, fist. main hall on the relief, unarmed people, but under the bayonet, machine guns of the japanese invading army, but in the hometown of barren land; stacking of pebbles covered the bodies of hundreds of children, a statue of a mother standing on one side. her hands on chest elegy, hand clenched fist there. this tragedy and hatred in the solidification of more than half a century. a picture, a paragraph of text, deeply shocked me, shook the hearts of every chinese people! history here suddenly tall, it is connected to the life and death, love and hate, sadness and anger, and a nation and national dignity; history here awe inspiring fen arm, shouting out a ides: "past experience, if not forgotten, funeral teacher!" the war of resistance against japan for those of us born in the 90s of young children is a we didn't experience the special history, through this visit, so i recognize the painful disaster brought by the japanese militarism to our chinese nation, is also the history enable us to recognize the essence of the japanese invasion of china, but also made me understand that the only national prosperity, national unity, social stability and national defense qiang dacai not be beaten, not is insulting, can stand tall in the forests of the nations of the world. we rejoice that the great chinese nation has five thousand years of splendid history and culture; we are glad that our country there are many many indomitable, take the bull by the horns, fear no sacrifice of national hero; fortunately, we have the correct leadership of the communist party of china, lead us to victory; we celebrate the privilege of chinese people with noble personality and excellent character, the china children is beat to death, don't scare, daunt the nation; we are grateful world xu many anti fascist fighter support our just cause; we are fortunate in the world always triumph of good over evil, truth always on the side of justice; fortunately, we such as near oriental dragon has awakened. today chinese has shrunk, are moving towards prosperity, broad step by step democratic direction stride. our children must cherish the hard won good life, inherit the legacy of revolutionary martyrs, fathers footsteps and unyielding, determined to serve the country. we believe that progress and peace are the eternal faith of mankind!

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
